Spenglersan Meckel
Mixture for use in adults, children, and infants.
Spenglersan® Colloid A is a registered medicinal product according to Section 38 of the Medicines Act and is therefore commercially available without specifying a therapeutic indication.
Active ingredients: Antigens from Mycobacterium bovis Spengler ad usum externum Dil. D9 (HAB, regulation 58a) 5 g antitoxins from Mycobacterium bovis Spengler ad usum externum Dil. D9 (HAB, regulation 58b) 5 g together raised to the power over 8 levels.
The other ingredients are: thymol, hydrochloric acid 25% (m/V
1 spray corresponds to 1 drop
Dosage instructions:
Adults and children aged 12 and over: in acute conditions rub 5 sprays into the crook of the elbow every half to an hour, a maximum of 6 times a day. For chronic forms, rub 5 sprays into the crook of the elbow 1-3 times a day.
Spray the prescribed number of sprays into the crook of your elbow and rub the medicine into the skin with the ball of your thumb. It is possible to spray and rub in the prescribed amount in portions.
Note: When using several Spenglersan® colloids, they should be applied at least 2 hours apart or alternated daily. When spraying, hold the bottle vertically and, before using it for the first time, operate the spray mechanism several times until a fine mist comes out. Homeopathic medicines should also not be used for long periods of time without medical advice. Please talk to your doctor or therapist if you have the impression that the effect of Spenglersan® Colloid A is too strong or too weak.
Spenglersan Colloid A must not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredients or any of the other ingredients.
Note: When using a natural medicine, the existing symptoms may temporarily worsen (initial aggravation). In this case you should stop taking the medicine and consult your doctor. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects.
Particular caution is required when using Spenglersan® Colloid A during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Since there is no sufficiently documented experience, Spenglersan® Colloid A should only be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consulting your healthcare practitioner.
Not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent a disease.