About Us
About I-Natura
I-Natura is a company that specialises in naturopathy. Therefore our main focus is on herbal teas, tissue salts, homeopathy, anthroposophy, medicinal mushrooms and spagyric mixtures but you will also find vitamins and mineral supplements on our website as well as probiotics and prebiotics.
The majority of supplements are shipped in from Germany and Austria, and all of our products come from suppliers whom we trust. Our medical teas are all 100% organic and most of them of pharmacopeia quality.
Our main goal is to create a service that is based on the needs of our customers. Your shopping experience should be as simple and straightforward as possible.
Therefore, if you want something tailored to your needs but cannot find on the website, please feel free to contact us. Every feedback and suggestion or constructive criticism is welcome. Our pharmacist and naturopath will happily answer questions and concerns related to the products.