Homoeopathic medicine
Registered homoeopathic medicine, therefore without a therapeutic indication.
If symptoms persist during the use of the medicinal product, medical advice should be sought.
10 g contains - active ingredients
Bellis perennis Dil. D 5 0.98 g
Chelidonium majus Dil. D 5 0.98 g
Dioscorea villosa Dil. D 5 0.98 g
Excipient: Ethanol 30% w / w (10 g equivalent to 10.5 - 10.6 ml)
Recommended use:
For the correct dosage consult your health care professional. Diluted with liquid (eg half a glass of water) before meals.
Contains 40% ethanol.
Do not use in alcoholics. Because of the alcohol content, Phytocortal® N should only be used in patients with liver disease, epileptics and in persons with organic brain diseases after consulting the doctor.
Since there is insufficient documented experience in pregnancy and lactation, and because of the alcohol content, Phytocortal® N should only be used after consulting the doctor.
The use of this medicine in children is not well documented. It should therefore only be used in children under 12 under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
This medicine contains 40% alcohol by volume. A health risk exists among liver patients, alcoholics, epileptics, brain patients or persons with brain-damage as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
The effect of other medicines can be reduced or increased.
Should not be taken for prolonged periods without medical advice. The duration of the therapy depends on the severity, type and course of the disease and should be at least several weeks. To avoid recurrences, a curative application, eg twice a year for 2-3 months, may be useful.
When using a homeopathic medicine, the existing symptoms may temporarily worsen (initial aggravation).
Store out of the reach of children