A registered homeopathic medicine, therefore without therapeutic indication
Ask your health care practitioner before using this medicine.
Achillea millefolium (hom./anthr.) Ø Atropa belladonna-spagyrisch Peka (hom./anthr.) D4 Citrullus colocynthis (hom./anthr.) D4 Colchicum autumnale (hom./anthr.) D6 Natrium phosphoricum (hom./anthr.) D4 Robinia pseudoacacia-spagyrisch Peka (hom./anthr.) D6 Stibium sulfuratum nigrum (hom./anthr.) D8 Strychnos nux vomica spagyrisch Peka (hom./anthr.) D4
Recommended use:
Unless otherwise prescribed in acute conditions, take 5 globuli every half to full hour but not more than 6times per day. Chronic forms, take 5 globuli one to three times a day. Melt in the mouth
Must not be used at known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients
Keep out of the reach of children
Keep in a cool and dry place