Medicinal tea for internal use.
From Germany, 100% organic and of Pharmacopoeia quality*.
Cistus is a genus of beautiful flowering plants that are native to Mediterranean regions of Southern Europe and North Africa. The flowers bloom in lovely colours ranging from pure white to bright pink
In traditional herbal medicine, the leaves of Cistus have been used in the treatment of several inflammatory diseases especially of the skin. Recent scientific research has confirmed this knowledge of our forefathers. Studies have shown that extracts of the leaves have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and biofilm-breaking qualities. The high content of antioxidant Polyphenols supports the immune system quite strongly.
Recommended use:
In a cup add 1 teaspoon, pour boiling water, brew covered for about 8-10 minutes, strain it and drink it
Store in a dark, cool and dry place
Keep out of the reach of children
Don't use if you are allergic or sensitive to the ingredient
* These herbs are in accordance with the quality standards of the German or European Pharmacopoeia. High-quality medicinal herbs are audited for their identity and purity as well as their potency of active ingredients and are guaranteed to be free of contaminants.
What is a medicinal tea:
In contrast to teas as food the requirements for a "pharmacy medicinal tea" — are regulated by law. For each medicinal tea, the European Pharmacopoeia defines the minimum active ingredient content that must be contained in the packaging at the time the tea is filled (minimum active ingredient content). The regulations also stipulate which parts of the plant may be used for which tea – and in what form. In addition, pharmaceutical manufacturers are obliged to comply with strict upper limit values for possible harmful substances.
Disclaimer: This is a dietary supplement and not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose a disease