Violet Ointment Hildegard von Bingen 30 ml

Linden-Apotheke, Pfaffenhofen
Violet has a long history of topical treatments. Violet cream has been used since antiquity to protect and heal the skin. Violet contains essential oils rich in antioxidants. Aging and many degenerative diseases are caused and accelerated by free radicals.
Hildegard of Bingen described in her book “Physica” the power of violet cream as a remedy for ulcers and headaches. She also promoted its use as a regular source of preventative skin care.
Violet cream serves both protective and healing functions. It helps the skin to preserve the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Pediatricians have confirmed the effectiveness of violet cream against skin diseases in babies and children. It’s particularly useful in cases of infant eczema, cradle cap, and other dermatoses.
The Federal Drug Administration in Germany has recognized violet cream and violet oil for external use against skin diseases.
The cream with real violet oil improves the tension of the skin and counteracts skin wrinkles. This skin care cream was designed in the spirit of Hildegard von Bingen. The specially coordinated flowery, lovely fragrance of this cream has a calming and balancing effect.
The ideal care for skin in need of regeneration. Ideally suited for all skin types and for daily use
Violet, Olive Oil, goat fat, rose essential oil