Steierl Pharma
The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: states of exhaustion. Long-term stress on the nerves leads to mental and physical exhaustion over time: the body's energy reserves are used up, which often results in a strong feeling of physical weakness as well as problems concentrating, feelings of drowsiness, diminishing comprehension, and poor memory.
Ingredients 10 g:
Acidum phosphoricum Dil. D 1 3,33 g
Acidum silicicum Dil. D 8 3,33 g
Selenium Dil. D 8 3,33 g
Contains 22 Vol.-% Alcohol
The dosage is individual. The following information can be used as a guide: Adults and adolescents from the age of 12: In acute conditions, take 5-10 drops every half to full hour, up to 12 times a day. In chronic forms, take 5-10 drops 1-3 times a day. Only diluted with plenty of liquid (e.g. half a glass of water) preferably before meals.
Do not use in alcoholics. Because of the alcohol content, Potagil® should only be used in people with liver diseases, epileptics and people with organic brain diseases after consulting a doctor. Since there is no sufficiently documented experience during pregnancy and breastfeeding and because of the alcohol content, Potagil® should only be used after consulting a doctor. There is insufficient documented experience with the use of this medicine in children. For this reason and because of the alcohol content, it should not be used in children under the age of 12.
This is a dietary supplement and not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent a disease