Is your hormone balance out of synch?
This tea regulates your hormones naturally. It contains a blend of herbs which complement each other in a comprehensive way. For mild to moderate complaints. All the ingredients are of the highest quality, 100 % organic and of pharmacopoeia standard.
Ideally, the tea is consumed every day for 4 consecutive weeks.
Yarrow, lady’s mantle, balm, passionflower, chaste
Recommended use:
1 tablespoon, add 250 ml of boiling water
Let infuse for 10 - 15 min
Can add a little bit of good quality honey
Drink 3 cups per day for 4 weeks or as recommended by your health care practitioner
Store in a dark, cool and dry place
Keep out of the reach of children
Don't use if you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients